No known cases of health care workers infected with COVID-19 by patients, Minnesota heath commissioner says

There are known cases of health care workers in Minnesota who have been infected with the novel coronavirus from patients, Health Commissioner Jan Malcolm said Monday. 

Health offiicals reported Sunday there are at least 34 confirmed cases of COVID-19 among health care workers in Minnesota. The majority of those cases have been linked to recent travel. 

This past week, nurses have raised the alarm about the growing shortage of protective equipment, like masks. Nurses said they were being forced to re-use masks as hospitals struggled to get more supplies.

This weekend, the Minnesota Nurses Association along with other health care providers have launched drives to collect gear from members of the public. Saturday, Governor Walz also signed an order directing the Minnesota National Guard to help get masks for providers.

Sunday, 3M announced it will produce 35 million N95 respirators -- the medical-grade masks health care providers are seeking -- per month for the United States.