Water levels recede in northern MN, crews work to deal with flood aftermath

Communities in northern Minnesota are drying out and dealing with the aftermath of substantial rainfall last week that toppled trees, washed out roads, and caused damage to some areas.

St. Louis County officials declared a state of emergency after 2-6+ inches of rain flooded the region.

As water levels have since begun to recede, high flows are not expected to impact the company’s hydro facilities downstream, including Thomson Reservoir and Fond du Lac dam, officials have said.

In addition to the Cloquet River, officials say high water continues in White Iron Lake, below Birch Lake Reservoir near Ely and areas downstream of Whiteface Reservoir.

At Jay Cooke State Park, water levels are almost high enough to reach the swinging bridge.

Just upstream at Thomson Dam, water continues flowing aggressively into the St. Louis River.

To date, more than 1,500 damage points have been recorded throughout St. Louis County. Residents who have sustained damage should complete an online damage report form for the County Assessor's Department. Staff will be inspecting damaged property and property owners might be eligible for relief.

Residents with a private well that has flooded or come within 50 feet of the well wall should also test its water for possible contamination

Several roads have since reopened throughout the area, but the following remain closed:

  • CR 362 Waisanen Rd at the intersection with CR 558 Palo-Tia Rd
  • CR 421 Sassas Rd (State Hwy 1 – CSAH 87 Leander Rd)
  • CR 467 Heino Rd (State Hwy 53 – CR 430 Burghardt Rd)
  • CR 492 E Anton Rd (CR 912 Ralph Rd – State Hwy 53)
  • CR 620 Salo Rd (90 corner – UT 6301)
  • CR 796 Kaunonen Lk Rd (Cemetery Rd – CSAH 21)
  • CR 936 E Hannula Rd (State Hwy 53 – Terminus)
  • CR 939 N Riddell Rd (TH 1 – North Terminus)
  • UT 8110 CR 361 (State Hwy 1 – CSAH 115)
  • UT 8110 CR 361(TH 1 – CSAH 115)
  • UT 8117 Jackpine Lane (TH 73 – Terminus)
  • UT 8143 North Peterson Rd (TH 1 – CR 107)
  • Bodas Road from McKinley east to Barker Rd.
  • South Townline Road (CR 442) from Hingeley Rd. to two miles east of Hwy 73
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