Zebra mussels reported in two more Minnesota lakes

Zebra mussels are spreading. The invasive species have now been found in two more Minnesota lakes including Lake John near Annandale in Wright County, and Bryant Lake in Eden Prairie.

They stay on the move because we're on the move and because people don't always adequately check for, or see, them. So on Sunday, we add two more lakes to the zebra mussel list.

Popular Bryant Lake has at least one zebra mussel now, enough for a warning sign to go up. But the Department of Natural Resources won't treat the lake yet. Three Rivers Park district staff continues their vehicle inspections, so do people using the lake.

These fingernail-sized animals are also recently known to have infested Lake John so much that the DNR won't even try treating it. Zebra mussels are now in more than 130 Minnesota lakes -- but still under two-percent of the state's lakes.

The DNR is reminding people removing their docks and lifts this time of year to check them for zebra mussels.  And, as always, clean aquatic plants and animals from watercraft, and remove drain plugs while moving your boat.
