Rep. Ilhan Omar announces remarriage in Instagram post

Rep. Ilhan Omar announced she has remarried. 

In an Instagram post Wednesday night, Omar said, “From partners in politics to life partners, so blessed.”

While the Instagram post did not identify her new spouse, Omar and her once political consultant Timothy Mynett were implicated to be in a relationship in court filings in August.

Mynett's now ex-wife filed for divorce in August. In the divorce filing, Mynett’s ex-wife said his recent travel and work hours may have been, “more related to his affair with Omar than his actual work commitments.”

Mynett denied the affair in a counterclaim filed by his attorneys.

In the claim, Mynett denies telling his wife he was leaving her for Representative Omar, or that he was in love with her. 

The document says Mynett “was routinely met by Ms. Mynett with threats of a public court filing if her unreasonable and often outrageous demands were not met." 

Mynett's consulting firm is called E Street Group. U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar’s campaign paid the company $160,164 through the first six months of 2019, according to campaign finance records. Most of the payments to E Street were made for fundraising consulting, travel expenses, digital communications, internet advertising and website development. Campaign finance records also show Omar’s campaign paid E Street $62,673 during her run for Congress in 2018.