Nonprofit Still Kickin’ raises money to buy winter gear for kids

Still Kickin' is raising money to buy winter gear from Target to help outfit kids in need for the cold, winter months. (Jesse Ross)

Getting outside is one of the few outlets kids can safely enjoy during the pandemic, but with economic challenges for some families and the lack of coat drives because of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an even greater need to connect kids with winter clothing.

Jesse Ross, executive director of the nonprofit Still Kickin’, was approached by two schools in north Minneapolis. Elizabeth Hall and Franklin Middle School had around 360 kids who were in need of new winter hats, gloves, coats and snow pants.

Due to risks from COVID-19, Ross is raising money to buy new gear instead of relying on clothing donations.

“If you’re from Minnesota, being able to go outside in the cold, that’s a normal thing. So, having some warm gear, some brand new gear that you can like try out with a snow angel or building a snow man or whatever it is, I think is going to mean a lot to them. And so I’m super grateful that we’re able to play a part of that,” Ross said.

Ross is working with Target to purchase the winter clothing. There’s even a registry where you can find what’s needed and pay for it.

“I think everybody needs to know that they can make a difference, they just need to find out how,” Ross said.

For more information on how you can help click here.