Minnesota GOP chair accuses Democrats of 'extreme communist control' following Minneapolis beach closures

The Minnesota GOP Chair is alleging Democrats are using the COVID-19 pandemic "as an excuse for extreme communist control" after Minneapolis leaders decided to keep the beaches and pools closed this summer

Jennifer Carnahan made the accusation on Twitter Friday morning following the Minneapolis Park and Board's decision not to open its aquatic facilities this summer in order to follow social distancing guidelines.

"Was it necessary for Minneapolis to close the beaches for the summer in early Apr?" read Carnahan's tweet. "Much can unfold, change & transpire between now/then. The Democrats have turned Coronavirus into an excuse for extreme communist control. Wake up people!"

Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party Chair Ken Martin fired back, calling Carnahan's tweet "as ignorant as it is dangerous."

"In the midst of so much tragedy, uncertainty, and chaos, it is astonishing that the head of the Minnesota Republican Party felt it was appropriate to launch a hackneyed political attack because Minneapolis city officials are trying to keep Minnesotans safe," read a statement from Martin.

Citing models, Minnesota leaders have taken major steps to limit public gatherings and events to slow the spread of COVID-19. Governor Walz, along with leaders across the country, without social distancing measures, hospitals will face an unmanageable spike of coronavirus hospitalizations.