Minneapolis cafe encourages teen thieves to come forward

The Lowry Cafe in Minneapolis is asking the two young men who ordered takeout and left without paying to come forward and do the right thing. Photos courtesy of the Lowry Cafe. 

Several times in the past week, the Lowry Café in Minneapolis has had people order takeout and run out without paying. But rather than immediately call police, the restaurant is taking to social media to ask the thieves to come forward and pay for the food they ordered.

The Lowry Café posted two surveillance photos of the thieves on Facebook in hopes that someone who knows the two young men will tell them to come in and pay. If the thieves do not come in, the restaurant says they will call the police and report the theft.

Another similar theft occurred Tuesday, but was not committed by the same suspects. The Lowry Café says they often have a problem with people calling the restaurant for takeout and never showing up for their food.

The restaurant says they need a better system for ordering food to go, but “it’s sad that a few bad apples have to ruin our trust for everyone.”