Meet FOX 9's Emma Bowen intern: Samantha Hoanglong
(FOX 9) - For 30 years, the Emma Bowen Foundation has been a place for students to discover the path they want to take post-college.
The core of this organization is the importance of more voices in the media. Voices with more diversity, voices with more points of view. This year, Samantha Hoanglong, had the opportunity to be a part the Emma Bowen program and get the experience of interning at FOX 9.
This month, she was able to travel to New York City, with other Emma Bowen interns, to learn more about the media industry. It was a trip solidifying her decision to go into journalism.
“Now more than ever I recognize the power of storytelling and I want to be a part of that process in elevating people’s voices,” said Hoanglong. “I learned the true value of storytelling and being able to elevate your own voice, and I fell in love with what journalism can do.”