MAC official to TSA: Long security lines at MSP airport 'unacceptable' customer service
MINNEAPOLIS (KMSP) - With spring break season approaching, long lines at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport are creating loads of frustration for travelers and airport officials.
On Thursday, the Metropolitan Airports Commission labeled the customer service at check-in and security “unacceptable.” In a letter to the Transportation Security Administration’s top administrator Peter Neffenger, MAC executive director Jeffrey Hamiel cited increasing passenger traffic and a decreasing number of security screeners all adding up to frustration, anger and a line that never seems to end.
Hamiel asked Neffenger to “please review the TSA staffing model for MSP and find ways to increase the screening contingent at this key facility.”
Hamiel added he recognizes lack of federal funding for TSA screening services is part of the problem. He said he also reached out to Minnesota's Congressional leaders urging them to support more funding for TSA.
TSA statement
TSA Administrator Peter Neffenger spoke with Sen. Klobuchar this afternoon to discuss her concerns about wait times at Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport (MSP). MSP is one of the busiest airports in the county, with particularly high traffic anticipated in March. TSA takes MSP operations very seriously and will continue to work closely with the airport and airlines to improve the passenger experience while remaining focused on the agency’s critical security mission of keeping travelers safe.
READ THIS NEXT – Long wait times, security issues at new MSP security checkpoint