How Minnesota schools are responding to Uvalde, Texas school shooting

An officer walks outside of Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, on May 25, 2022. A tight-knit Latino community in Texas was wracked with grief Wednesday after a teen in body armor marched into an elementary school and killed 19 small children an (Photo by ALLISON DINNER/AFP via Getty Images)

Schools around Minnesota are responding to the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday that left 19 students and two teachers dead

Authorities haven't revealed a motive but did say the gunman barricaded himself in a classroom, shooting anyone in his way. All the victims were in the same classroom. The gunman died in a shootout with police

In the wake of another deadly school shooting, schools in Minnesota are issuing statements of sadness and demands for change, so no more lives of children are lost. 

Minneapolis Public Schools

"Our children are suffering. We witnessed again a horrific shooting in a school in Texas and we weep and ask why. Our country can do better than this. We have to. Our hearts are with the students, staff and families of Robb Elementary School in Ulvalde," the district said Tuesday. 

Osseo Area Schools

Osseo Area Schools Superintendent Cory McIntyre sent a message to parents and caregivers, calling the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School "tragic."

"I want to reassure you that scholar and staff safety continues to be our greatest priority at Osseo Area Schools. An enormous amount of work has been put into our school safety plans and the training on those plans. Our risk management team stays updated on industry best practices and partners with local law enforcement officials and first responders in this work," McIntyre said. 

The district has site administrators, counselors, psychologists and social workers available to help, encouraging parents to reach out if their child is in need of support, as well as providing tips and resources for parents

Students are also encouraged to speak to a trusted adult at school or submit a tip online if they hear or see anything suspicious.

Robbinsdale Area Schools

"Robbinsdale Area Schools expresses our deepest condolences to the students, families, and community of Uvalde Consolidated Independent School District in Texas. The loss of the students and a teacher is an incomprehensible tragedy," said Superintendent David Engstrom with Robbinsdale Area Schools.

Engstrom said his goal is that the community will "stand together against the heinous acts that repeatedly take the lives of students, educators, and so many others in this country."