Celestial Spectacle: 2 Planets and 2 Moons


The reserved severe weather hashtag #stayskyaware can also applied to a celestial show this month. First, take a look to the northwest and you will see two planets lining up like clock hands at high noon.

Most of us are familiar with the bright planet of Venus appear near the moon after sunset. Now, a new planet is passing though just in time to join this dynamic duo! The orbits of Earth, Venus and Jupiter will align these planets into celestial threesome.

This celestial spectacle will peak in July of this year and with the warmer weather season; it makes for a nice evening of stargazing. Simply head outside and look northwest!

If this “Celestial Spectacle” was not enough, then lets add a few moon to the equation. The month of July 2015 will be bookend by full moons.

The BUCK MOON debuts July 1 at 9:19 PM and the BLUE MOON will shine in full on July 31 at 5:43 PM.

We would love to see you “Skywatching” photos! Please email you photos to photos@fox9.com.
