Zebra mussels found in Bay Lake in Crow Wing County

Zebra mussels

Minnesota DNR officials say zebra mussels, an invasive species, has spread to Bay Lake, which is near Deerwood, Minn in Crow Wing County.

According to the DNR, a lakeshore owner found the shell of a dead zebra mussel at Bay Lake last fall, but DNR zebra mussel detection dogs did not find live zebra mussels. Recently, the DNR officials confirmed a live adult zebra mussel was found in the lake. Further water testing and in-lake searches confirmed there is a reproducing population of zebra mussels in the lake.

To help stop the spread of the invasive species, DNR officials are urging boaters to clean and drain their watercraft and throw away unwanted bait in the trash. Before bringing a watercraft to another body of water, boaters are asked dry out their device for at least five days after cleaning. Minnesota law requires a 21-day drying period before bringing boat lifts docks and other similar equipment to another site.

For more information about zebra mussels, click here.