St. Peter officer discovers house fire, saves occupants

Officer Joshua Klaseus | Photo from the Saint Peter police department

While on routine patrol early Tuesday morning, Saint Peter Police Officer Joshua Klaseus, a two year veteran of the police department, saw smoke, rolled down his car window, and could quickly tell that something was on fire.

According to a press release, he located a single family home at the 1800 block of North 3rd Street that was partially engulfed in flames and smoke. Klaseus then told the communications center to send the Saint Peter Fire Department.

Seeing no one outside the house, Klaseus ran to a north side entrance door and discovered that it was unlocked.

As he opened the door, he was overtaken by smoke. He began yelling ‘police, anyone in here,’” and moved deeper into the home until he heard a dog barking and a woman speaking.

As he directed the woman to the door, she asked where her son Jack was and that he was still inside. She tried to re-enter the house, but Klaseus stopped her and went inside. He was met by a male cradling an infant. At this point, Klaseus said there were flames on the interior south wall.

He then gathered the family together outside and learned that there were no more occupants in the house.

According to the release, the residents said they had no idea their home was on fire until Klaseus arrived.

“Officer Klaseus’ observations and quick action undoubtedly saved three lives as well as the lives of the family’s two dogs,” the release said.