St. Paul police sergeant tests positive for COVID-19 after taking trip

A St. Paul police sergeant has tested positive for the novel coronavirus after returning home from a trip, according to the St. Paul Police Department.

In an email that has been released to FOX 9, the sergeant explains he learned on March 19 he tested positive for COVID-19. Public health officials told him they did not believe he infected at the St. Paul Police Department since he had not returned to work since his trip.

"While everyone else from our trip feels well, my sickness has just become a significant burden on my family," read the sergeant's email. "They have been quarantined for the next two weeks and could possibly go through a similar health episode – we are closely watching for any signs and symptoms."

He urged his colleagues to be mindful and cautious in order to help reduce the spread of the virus.

"Please remember how easily this virus infects, even when an individual does not have symptoms," he continued. "Protect yourself, protect each other, protect your families, and protect the untold thousands of people connected to them."