Rainy morning doesn't keep people away from 1st Saturday of the State Fair

Some journeys to the Minnesota State Fair begin here at Southwest Station in Eden Prairie. It was load and go in the afternoon, but slower in the morning as the rain caused some folks to delay their trip to the fairgrounds.

That's fine with Traci Nicholson. She says her trip was smooth sailing.

“Nice. It was on time. It was great,” Nicholson said.

She's happy the rain kept the crowds at bay.

“We were here last year. We were here every year, but I like this year it a little better,” Nicholson said.

Others like Kathy Westernman had reasons to be at the fair early. Her grandson was in the fiddle competition.

“When we came this morning, we came about 10, we thought we were really lucky. It's been raining, Westernman said.

As the rain cleared, the crowds grew. Some of the park and ride lots surrounding the fairgrounds filled up.

Rain or not, the Olders from Cambridge wouldn't miss the fair for the world.

“People are very gung ho about the fair. It's in the blood around here,” Katie Older said.

The cooler temperatures are a nice break for most people.

"It's nice for a change to not have the sun beating down on you. Suffering in the heat. This kinda a vacation for us that have been here and suffered through the heat," Older said.

Last year on the last Saturday 188,636 people made it through the gates. We may not hit that or the record of 202,000 on the first Saturday in 1998.