Rain, hail and snow in 1 day: Minnesotans done with winter

When working on a story about Minnesota's seemingly endless flurry of flakes, it made sense to talk to people within view of one of the most well-known piles of snow in the state.

"I don't like the idea of getting more snow. It should be gone by now," said Randy Byro of Bloomington outside Eden Prairie Center.

"I'm ready for it to be summer. I've been in California for like 25 years, so this is not that fun," said Joy Vincent of Bloomington.

"Mount Eden Prairie" is smaller than it was over a week ago, when the massive mound went viral after some teenagers took a photo of a Target shopping cart on top.

"I was just telling the guy I was with, we've had so much snow this year, the snow pile is ridiculous," said Adam Collyard of Rosemount.

Almost as ridiculous as the idea the state is in the bullseye of another snowstorm.

"I am over the snow. I am ready for it to be over with. I don't like the fact that we are getting more snow," said Collyard.

In downtown Minneapolis, it wasn't snow but rain that was anything but a slam dunk for fans headed to the Timberwolves game.

"I think it sucks. I'm freezing. I almost just got run over while crossing the street. Yes, it's too cold for spring. It's too cold," said Olivia O'Neal of Bloomington.
But even the elements couldn't dampen the excitement of hearty fans.

"It's depressing. That's why I'm coming out. Rain, sleet or snow, I'm going to this game tonight because this weather has just got me down so I need to get cheered up," said O'Neal.

"Ready for winter to be over. I have tons of friends in Puerto Rico and so I've been thinking about planning my next trip down and that's what's keeping me going," said Jon Berry of Champlin.