Protesters gather in Minneapolis in support of Cuban people amid economic crisis

A group of protesters gathered in Minneapolis on Thursday calling for restrictions against Cuba to be lifted. (FOX 9)

From the streets of Havana and the highways of Miami, to the corner of Washington Avenue and Marquette Avenue in downtown Minneapolis Thursday night, supporters of the Cuban people in the United States are speaking out after protests erupted in the Cuban capital over the weekend.

"For many of us, Cuba represents many third world people or oppressed people," said co-coordinator for the Minnesota Cuba Committee August Nimtz.

Facing an economic crisis, food and medicine shortages and rising prices, the Cuban people are demanding that the communist regime give up power.

"We have to see the larger context of the pandemic, COVID-19. The economy has also collapsed, Cuba depends on tourism," said Nimtz. The Minnesota Cuba Committee is also calling for an end to the U.S. trade embargo.

"What we are doing here is to demand, demand that the Biden administration end the embargo, lift the embargo, and do as he promised," said Nimtz.

Cuba's president blamed the protests on American influence and those sanctions, as President Biden expressed his support earlier this week.

"The United States stands firmly with the people of Cuba as they assert their universal rights and we call on the government, the government of Cuba to refrain from violence or attempts to silence the voice of the people of Cuba," said Biden. 
