Plans moving forward for commemorative street name for George Floyd on Chicago Avenue

A memorial has grown near 38th Street E and Chicago Avenue in Minneapolis where George Floyd died. (FOX 9)

The City of Minneapolis took a step toward adding a commemorative street name to posthumously honor George Floyd at the intersection where he was arrested by Minneapolis police and died.

At a meeting Monday, the Planning Commission voted for George Perry Floyd Jr Place to be added on Chicago Ave between 37th Street East and 39th Street East. Floyd's deadly encounter with police happened on Memorial Day at 38th Street East and Chicago Avenue, where a grassroots memorial site later formed in his honor. The vote was 5-0 in approval.

According to the land use application, the signage will only be placed at the intersection of 38th and Chicago. The commemorative street name will not change the official name of the street or affect addresses on the street.

"I think this is one step in a future of really trying to make amends to some of the challenges that our community has faced in the past," said Councilmember Andrea Jenkins, who called for the Commission to approve the item.

The measure now goes to the City Council for final consideration.