Nurses to vote Thursday on contract with Allina Health

The nurses represented by the Minnesota Nurses Association are expected to vote Thursday on a tentative contract agreement with Allina Health.

The two parties came to the tentative contract agreement on Tuesday after more than 17 hours of negotiating at the Governor’s Residence in St. Paul. Gov. Mark Dayton had asked both sides to meet at the residence to resolve their ongoing dispute

If the nurses approve the contract offer, it will end their 39-day strike. The Minnesota Nurses Association plans to hold a press conference at 10 p.m. to announce the results of the vote.

Hundreds of nurses from five Allina hospitals and clinics in the metro area have been on strike since Labor Day. Last week, nurses voted to reject the latest contract offer from Allina Health and continue their strike.  Both parties have failed to compromise on issues like health insurance, safety and hospital staffing levels.