Minnesota DFL, GOP move conventions to online ballots

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Minnesota DFL Party Executive Committee made the decision to no longer hold local conventions and instead use an online balloting system.

To avoid large in-person gatherings due to recommendations from health officials, the party will continue with the endorsement and resolutions process online.

“We understand the challenges this poses, but we believe this process preserves the power of grassroots activists to decide who our party supports and what our party stands for while simultaneously protecting the health and well-being of Minnesotans everywhere," read a statement from DFL Chairman Ken Martin. "Each and every day, state and local governments, businesses, and community leaders across the country are being confronted with extremely difficult decisions on how to combat the spread of coronavirus. The cancellation of DFL conventions in favor of an online balloting system was not an easy decision to come to, but it is imperative that we all step up and do our part to protect our communities. The Minnesota DFL is committed to being part of the solution to this public health crisis.”

DFL leaders are still planning to hold the State Convention in-person, but changes could be made depending on future guidance from health officials.

The GOP announced a similar move Wednesday, saying it will move all conventions from in-person to remote, teleconference conventions.

"During these trying and ever-changing times, it is important that we continue moving forward and complete party business required of us to endorse candidates, elect Presidential Electors and have a voice at our national convention in August. But it is crucial that while conducting party and political business, we do our part to keep our delegates, candidates, activists and the general public safe," officials wrote.

"We understand that this is going to be a heavy lift for the MNGOP and our local party units across the state, but we are confident that our fellow Republicans will come together and rise to the challenge as we work toward a successful election day."