Man arrested for placing fake bomb outside Ramsey County courthouse

A man has been arrested for making a fake bomb that was planted outside the Ramsey County courthouse earlier this month, stirring a minor panic.

Dolores Alvarado was arrested Monday on a charge of threats of violence with intent to terrorize. He faces up to five year in prison if convicted.

Deputies say the fake bomb was discovered outside the courthouse at 15 West Kellogg Boulevard on Monday, December 20 and was designed to look like an explosive device. After the package was discovered, the courthouse was closed and the area was blocked off as the bomb squad investigated.

According to the charges against Alvarado: "The device had various liquids, pressure plate, and wiring coming from the device. The device closely resembled and had the appearance of an IED. These devices are often used to cause harm to citizens."

On surveillance video, investigators saw the suspect driving a red, late-model Nissan Rogue shortly before 5 a.m. at the courthouse. The vehicle is last captured on cameras heading down Wabasha.

A report of a domestic assault on Wabasha led police to Alvarado, the charges state. Speaking with his girlfriend, investigators learned Alvarado had taken her vehicle on the morning of December 20. She also told investigators the clothes he was wearing in security videos were still at her home.

In interviews with police, Alvarado ultimately admitted to placing the fake bomb, adding problems he had with the county was the motivation behind the scare.