Madison, Wis. teacher facing charges after students find recording devices in Minneapolis hotel room

A grand jury has handed up federal charges against a Madison, Wisconsin teacher after students found recording devices in their hotel room in Minneapolis while on a field trip.

The teacher, identified as 37-year-old David Kruchten of Cottage Grove, Wisconsin, was arrested on Thursday, Wisconsin U.S. Attorney Scott Blader said. Kruchten faces seven counts of attempting to use a minor to engage in sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing a visual depiction of the conduct.

The arrest follows the report of hidden recording devices found in a hotel room in Minneapolis in December. At the time, police said students had uncovered the devices in their hotel room at the Hyatt Regency.

Following the discovery, the district said a staff member had been placed on leave while an investigation was underway.

The charges indicate that investigators found multiple instances of Kruchten attempting to record pornography involving children dating as far back as Oct. 27.

He now faces up to 30 years behind bars if convicted of the crimes.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.