Just days away: Your 2019 State Fair weather trends
(FOX 9) - The Minnesota State Fair is right around the corner! Aside from the food, cute farm animals, and live music, a lot of people want to know what the weather will be like.
Will the fair bring sweltering heat and humidity? Or rain showers that will create an umbrella frenzy? Or maybe we’ll be lucky and have comfortable temperatures?
For Aug. 17 through Sept. 2, the average high temperature is 79 degrees and the average low temperature is 60 degrees.
The hottest day in history at the Minnesota Fair was reported in 1931 on Sept. 10 at a steamy temperature of 104 degrees. Hopefully we won’t have a repeat of that record high anytime soon!
Many of us think of the Fair and sweltering heat as a package deal. You know, summers' last gasp before we head back into another school year.
While that has been the case in recent years, that's not always true. The verdict is out on whether we will get that final push of heat before summer winds down in September, so stay tuned.
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