FBI investigating alleged sexual battery on Minneapolis to San Diego flight

The FBI is investigating a case of alleged sexual battery on a Sun Country flight from Minneapolis to San Diego.

According to FOX 5 San Diego, the San Diego Harbor Police Department was notified of the allegations around 4 p.m. local time Sunday afternoon. Officers were waiting at the gate when the Sun Country flight from Minneapolis landed in San Diego around 4:30 p.m.

A man in his early 20s was detained for questioning and then released, FOX 5 reported. The alleged victim is a woman in her early 20s.

"We are aware of an incident on yesterday's flight 403 from MSP to SAN," Sun Country said in a statement to FOX 9. "We worked closely with local authorities and the investigation is now in the hands of San Diego authorities."

Crimes committed on flights fall within the FBI's jurisdiction. The case will be referred to the United States Attorney's Office for review.