Brothers get 30 years for N. Mpls home invasion, rape

Deondre, 31, (left) and Reggie Bishop, 32, (right) were setenced to 30 years in prison each for breaking into a robbing and raping two of the women who lived there, including a 14-year-old girl. 

Two brothers were sentenced to 30 years in prison for breaking into a north Minneapolis home and raping a 14-year-old girl and her mother in 2015.

On July 19, 2015 at 11 p.m., three men with guns and white masks broke into a home and confronted a 14-year-old girl who lived in the home. According to the criminal complaints, they took the girl upstairs and shouted at the girl’s mother, demanding to know where the money was. The men searched for the money, then raped both women and eventually robbed the house of several televisions, a laptop and cell phones.

The men were later identified as Reggie Bishop, 32, and Deondre Bishop, 31. The mother told the Hennepin County Attorney’s office Reggie appeared not to take the sentencing seriously. When the mother gave her victim impact statement in court Monday afternoon, she said Reggie “laughed and joked throughout the proceedings.”

The brothers were both sentenced to 30 years in prison for two counts each of first-degree criminal sexual conduct and one count each of first-degree burglary. The third suspect, Roynell Taylor, 32, pleaded guilty to the same three charges on July 18 and was sentenced to 19 to 30 years in prison.