April Fools day storm was no joke, amazing photos

 Photos submitted by FOX 9 viewers. TAP HERE to view photo slideshow. 

A combination of strong southerly winds in excess of 40 mph, sunshine, and some compressional heating was the perfect recipe for the Twin Cities to reach record territory Wednesday. The Minneapolis airport set a new record high of 84 degrees.

But the hot, windy afternoon was followed by a quick rain shower and an impressive lightning show Wednesday night.

Twin Cities forecast

Thursday: Sunny, windy, and mild as we climb to the mid-60s. Gusty west winds and low humidity mean that the fire danger is elevated across the region once again. A cold front rolls by Thursday night, escorting in the cooler 40s for Friday with mostly sunny sky. The Easter weekend is still looking pleasant -- comfy 50s with some sunshine for Saturday and Sunday afternoons.

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