Air travel expected to soar over Thanksgiving holiday weekend

MSP Airport (FOX 9)

With more people getting vaccinated, more people appear to be ready to fly again. So you can expect to see crowds again at  Minneapolis-St Paul International Airport over the Thanksgiving weekend.

Officials say they expect 33,000 travelers to come through security on Wednesday, which is twice as many as they saw last year.

The second busiest day of the holiday travel season will be Sunday when 32,000 travelers are expected to come through MSP.

Overall, airport officials say air travel will be at about 70 percent of where it was in 2019 before the pandemic caused many people to stay home for the holidays.

"We felt it was important with the times we are going through we are able to spend time with loved ones and be able to share things about what we've been through this year and be able to have a chance to see them," said Clint of Minneapolis who was traveling through MSP with his family Monday night.

"That's what it's all about. Flying and seeing family and friends and enjoying life and not being hidden up and not being able to travel. So it's all good. I think it's great,"  said flight attendant Beth Miller of Miami.

"As long as we wear our masks and do what we are supposed to, I think it's a good thing. We can't sit home and hibernate. That's not a good thing either," said Ida Weber of Claremont, Minn, who just returned from her first trip on an airplane since the pandemic.

Airport officials are urging travelers to arrive 2 hours early for domestic flights because there will be longer lines at security.

They also suggest pre-booking your parking space at Terminal One to make sure you get a spot.

And double-check your bags to make sure you don't have any prohibited items like guns in your bags that could cause problems at security.