2 Moorhead, Minn. brothers die in crash en route to basketball tournament

Two teenage brothers from Moorhead, Minn. died after crashing on Interstate 94 the way to a basketball tournament in the Wisconsin Dells.

State Patrol officials said Zachary Kvalvog, 18, was driving with his brother, Connor Kvalvog, 14, Jimmy Morton, 18, of Jackson, Miss. and Mark Schwandt, 17, of Moorhead on I-94 near Fergus Falls. The other two boys were hospitalized, Morton with serious injuries, while Schwandt's were non-life-threatening.

The Dodge Ram was eastbound on I-94 and State Patrol officials believe the truck hit the shoulder on the north side of the road, overcorrected to the right and rolled into the median, ending up in the westbound lanes of I-94 after 9 a.m. on Tuesday.

The Star Tribune reported 3 of the teens, with the exception of Morton, are members of the Park Christian basketball program. A prayer service was held Tuesday night at the school.