Fox 9 chief meteorologist Ian Leonard recovering from surgery for skin cancer

Fox 9 chief meteorologist Ian Leonard will be off the air for a few weeks as he recovers from surgery to remove skin cancer from his lower lip. He hopes to be back on the air and dancing on the corn roast booth at the Minnesota State Fair.

A message from Ian

Hello my friends, I want to let you know that I will be off the air for a few weeks. This summer I noticed a small painful red bump on my lower lip. On July 20,  I had a biopsy and a confirmation: squamous cell skin cancer. Monday, I had MOHs surgery to remove the cancer. The MOHs surgery session lasted 5 hours with 7 separate surgical procedures to remove the cancer from my lower lip. Yesterday I had plastic surgery to repair my lower lip with over 40 stitches inside/out and eventually, in a few weeks, I will be back on the air, hopefully in time to perform the corn roast dance at the State Fair! In the meantime I will get plenty of rest and have cherished time with my amazing wife and daughters. I have been told to limit my speaking, they will love that!  See you all soon, wear sunscreen!.