Zebra mussels found in Lake Minnewashta in Chanhassen, Minn.

Zebra mussels were recently found at a public boat access on Lake Minnewashta. 

Zebra mussels have been in found at a public boat access on Lake Minnewashta in Chanhassen, Minn. near Lake Minnetonka.

Minnehaha Creek Watershed District staff discovered several small zebra mussels near the boat launch during a regular site visit on Aug. 18. No zebra mussels were found outside the boat launch. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has yet to officially confirm the infestation.

Lake Minnewashta is at high risk for zebra mussels due to its proximity to Lake Minnetonka, where zebra mussels have been present since 2010, according to the MCWD. 

MCWD is placing one barrier around the boat launch and another at the channel that connects the bay with the boat launch to the rest of the lake. Boats will be redirected to a second boat launch on the lake until officials remove the barriers.

Due to the low number of zebra mussels detected, their young age and location, officials believe is may be possible to eliminate the zebra mussels and prevent them from spreading to the rest to the rest of the lake.