Youths who aged out of foster care may still be eligible for funding

Young adults who aged out of foster care may still be eligible to receive some financial assistance amid the pandemic, according to the Minnesota Department of Human Services.

Typically, youths no longer receive foster care benefits after they turn 18 or 21 if they had extended foster care. Federal changes, however, have temporarily suspended youth from aging out of foster care. The changes also protect them from losing eligibility for not meeting school, training or work requirements. The changes are in effect through Sept. 30. 

The state estimates there are 770 people aged 18 to 21 who are eligible to stay in or return to foster care. They can receive assistance with food and housing costs, college expenses, behavioral health needs and their driver's license. On average people receive $1,100 per month.

County and tribal social workers are working to identify all those who are eligible. Those who are looking to opt back in are asked to contact the agency they last received foster care benefits from.