YMCA offers free summer memberships for teens

Teens throughout the Twin Cities will have another option for summer activities this year thanks to the free memberships.

Teens throughout the Twin Cities will have another option for summer activities this year thanks to a partnership between the YMCA and the Richard M. Schulze Family Foundation that will offer free summer memberships.

From June 5 through Sept. 4, the free memberships will be available at 19 YMCA locations throughout the Twin Cities to access its, "wellbeing and youth enrichment programs."

"Youth Development programs are so important to make sure youth are involved in positive activities that help them grow to become a healthier person, be better students, siblings and friends to others," said Chicka Merino, YMCA of the North Community Program Director. "We intentionally engage in conversations about job and leadership skills, mental health and take time to teach coping strategies like meditating, breathing and stretching techniques."

More than 80% of Twin Cities teens live within 15 minutes of a YMCA location that, "Offer opportunities for wellness, sports, leadership activities, STEM projects and more," according to a press release.

According to the announcement, "The YMCA is positioned to help ensure that youth of all backgrounds and incomes have access to learning opportunities outside of school."