Turkeys flown from coops to troops stationed overseas for Thanksgiving

(FOX NEWS) - Our nation’s troops stationed overseas will feast on Thanksgiving dinners with all the trimmings this year, thanks to a federal service agency that provides everything from the actual birds to eggnog, marshmallows and stuffing.
Over 15,000 pounds of turkey and nearly 2,000 pies have been sent to troops in Afghanistan in time for a holiday meal, according to the Defense Logistics Agency, a federal service agency for the U.S. military.
"Being away from home and their families during the holidays is tough enough without considering the difficult and dangerous conditions our service men and women face,” Anthony Amendolia, with DLA Troop Support’s Subsistence supply chain, said in a statement to FoxNews.com. “Since they can't be home for the holidays, our employees are dedicated to bringing the holidays to them.”
The service will provide to all service members overseas:
25,970 pounds of beef
17,130 pounds of ham
706 gallons of eggnog
3,360 pounds of marshmallows
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