St. Francis Police investigating video of teen getting assaulted

St. Francis Police Department is investigating a video showing a teenaged girl getting beat up, which was posted on Facebook.

The victim's mother shared the video on Facebook and turned it over to police. The mother says a 19-year-old woman lured her 15-year-old daughter into the woods on Friday night and then started attacking her while several others watched on. 

Some people may find the video of the fight disturbing. It shows two women take turns attacking the teenager, while yelling obscenities at her. At one point, it appears one person cuts off some of the girl's hair with scissors.

Officials say one person who was involved has been arrested. Police say that person has initially been charged with fifth degree assault. The case has been sent to the Anoka County Attorney's Office and the City Attorney's Office to review for possible additional charges.

Investigators are still looking for another person in connection to the fight.