Sen. Klobuchar celebrates reopening of U.S.-Canada border for tourism

Sen. Klobuchar celebrates the reopening of the U.S.-Canada border for tourism.
(FOX 9) - Officials held a press conference in St. Paul Monday to celebrate the reopening of the U.S.-Canada border for tourism.
The border was closed during the pandemic, but as of Nov. 8, the border reopened to international travelers. Non-U.S. citizens will be allowed to come to America for the first time since the start of the pandemic, as long as they show proof of vaccination.
Senator Amy Klobuchar joined Consul General of Canada, Ariel Delouya; Interim Director of Explore Minnesota, Leann Kispert; and Chair of the Minnesota District Export Council, Sandra Renner to celebrate the news.
Sen. Klobuchar serves as chair of the Canada-United States Inter-Parliamentary Group. Throughout the pandemic, she called for the easing of travel restrictions to help revive the travel and tourism industry and make it easier to see family and friends.
Meanwhile, Tricia Heibel with the International Falls Area Chamber of Commerce, said the reopening is expected to significantly help businesses.
"Even as COVID restrictions were lifted in 2020 and 2021 on our businesses, we were still missing 30 percent or more of our customers," Tricia Heibel told FOX 9.