Bill would ban transgender girls from competing in girls sports

Minnesota Senators on the Education Committee heard legislation this week that would prohibit student athletes whose "sex is male" from participating in girls’ sports, which critics say targets transgender youth.

According to the proposed provision, schools may not allow athletes whose birth sex is male to participate in interscholastic or intramural athletics that are designed for women or girls.

Sen. Scott Dibble, of Minneapolis, released a statement calling his Republican colleague’s bill proposal "unconstitutional" and "harmful."

In his statement, Dibble said the bill promotes transphobia and "hurts trans women who want to compete."

In 2018, two Minnetonka cisgender boys sued the MSHSL after they were not allowed to join their school’s dance team. An appeals court agreed with their suit, calling their ban unconstitutional. Dibble says this new provision would violate the appeals court’s ruling.