Original Deep Fried Cheese Curd stand heir fights back against Minnesota State Fair

(Photo credit: The Original Deep Fried Cheese Curds)

The owners of the Original Deep Fried Cheese Curd stand at the Minnesota State Fair are threatening to fight back after being ousted from 2017 fair plans.

When Dick and Donna Mueller, the founders of the stand and more than 40-year veterans of the Fair, announced their retirement earlier this year, the couple's son Tom applied to take over their spot. 

The State Fair, however, had different plans--announcing they had decided to “go in a direction other than continued sale of the cheese curds.”

After a public outcry and a change.org petition that garnered more than 1,000 signatures, Tom Mueller's attorney sent a letter to State Fair management Tuesday threatening to initiate a lawsuit over the dispute, hoping to maintain what he sees as a "cherished tradition."

Before resorting to a lawsuit, however, Tom Mueller called for a meeting with State Fair officials to find a mutually acceptable solution.