Movie magic comes to historic farm in Isanti, Minnesota

A scene of "Christmas in Farmstead" includes a snowman building competition. (Kasi Buzzell)

A historic farm in Isanti, Minnesota is getting a dose of movie magic. A holiday film called "Christmas in Farmstead" is shooting at Erickson Farmstead. 

“We’ve never experienced anything like it, so interesting to see how much time goes in to set up for getting just seconds of the movie,” said Dennis Davis, the owner of Erickson Farmstead.

Davis says a movie producer contacted him two months ago about shooting the movie at the property. Luckily, the shooting schedule coincided with a natural downtime for the farmstead, which is a popular wedding venue.

The crew started shooting at the farm two weeks ago and will be on site through February 18, according to Davis. He says the film's plot revolves around an old inn going up for sale in a small town. Realtors start competing for the listing, but in order to get it they have to stay at the inn for a week to get a feel for the atmosphere. There's some competition, but there's also a possibility for romance.

A movie shoot is underway at Erickson Farmstead in Isanti, Minnesota. (Kasi Buzzell)

Once shot, the movie will be shopped around and could be featured in a future Lifetime or Hallmark channel holiday movie lineup.

The Davis family bought Erickson Farmstead two years ago. At the time, the property hadn’t been lived in for 30 years and needed some attention. 

“So our goal was to bring it to its former glory and and share with everyone whether it be weddings, events, or whatever it may be,” said Dennis.

Now, it looks like the farm will likely be shared on a much larger scale come next holiday season.