Man sentenced to 12 months for threatning to blow up Mpls. mosque

A 57-year-old Minnesota man has been sentenced to 12 months in prison after sending a threatening letter to the Tawfiq Islamic Center in Minneapolis. In the letter, he said he would blow the mosque up.

Daniel Fisher pleaded guilty on Nov. 30, saying that was “angry that the Tawfiq Islamic Center selected Minnehaha Avenue for its new location and that he wanted the Center to build somewhere else,” according to a release.

Fisher said he had become “increasingly angry with Muslims since 9/11,” and that he mailed the letter with the intent to threaten and scare members of the mosque.

On Sept. 30, 2015, the Tawfiq Islamic Center received a handwritten letter threatening to “blow up your building with all you immigrants in it,” and contained profanities, racial and ethnic slurs and other derogatory comments.

Fisher is charged with one count of obstruction of persons in the free exercise of religious beliefs.