Man accused of sexually abusing children at his grocery store in Maplewood, Minnesota

Akeem Lamina, 51, of Maplewood, Minnesota is accused of sexually abusing children at his store. (Ramsey County Jail / FOX 9)

A 51-year-old man is accused of sexually abusing young children at his grocery store in Maplewood, Minnesota. 

Akeem Lamina was charged this week in two separate cases two different victims.  

Lamina is charged with first-degree criminal sexual conduct for alleged sexual abuse that occurred last year between August and November. 

According to the charges, the victim, a kindergartener, first reported the sexual abuse to an employee at her elementary school after learning about the classroom rules, one of which was that no one should touch children in their private parts. 

The victim told the school employee that Lamina sexually abused her about five times in the office of his store while she was attending a children’s religious class held there on Saturdays. 

Lamina is also charged with second-degree criminal sexual conduct for alleged sexual abuse that occurred between January 2018 and December 2019. 
The charges say a 7-year-old girl disclosed to her teacher that a Lamina, who she referred to as her “uncle” even though he is not a blood relative, sexually assaulted her at both his home and his grocery store. 

The victim’s mother is friends with Lamina’s wife, who babysits for the victim and her two brothers. 

Lamina will make his next court appearance on Wednesday.