Hopkins Legionnaires' disease update: 20 confirmed cases, 1 death

The Minnesota Department of Health has confirmed 3 additional cases of Legionnaires’ disease in the Hopkins outbreak, bringing the total to 20. The 20 cases still include just one death, and 16 people have been hospitalized.

All of the patients live or work in Hopkins, or were in the area during the 10 days before they became ill. The latest illness onset date is consistent with exposure before remediation began on Sept. 9 and 10. The new cases fall into the age range for all cases of late 20s to late 90s, with a median age of 59).

MDH continues to investigate potential sources of the outbreak. No source has been confirmed nor ruled out at this point.

Legionnaires’ disease is an infection caused by the bacteria Legionella pneumophila, which is found in water. The disease is not spread person-to-person, but by inhaling fine spray or aerosols from water that contains the bacteria.