Hennepin County Attorney Freeman entering treatment for alcohol issues

In a recent update regarding his medical leave, Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman announced he will be entering treatment for alcohol issues.

A week ago, the Hennepin County Attorney's Office announced Freeman would be going on medical leave for several weeks.

In a statement released Friday afternoon, Freeman stated a combination of medication, stress reduction and sleep have helped his "unacceptably high blood pressure." However, Freeman explained he is battling other issues as well.

"I also have been evaluated for alcohol issues by a licensed assessor and we agree that I need treatment," the statement continued. "With the love and support of my family, I am entering a well-respected treatment program beginning Monday."

Freeman says he plans to return to work no later than mid-June.

In the meantime, Chief Deputies David Brown and Lolita Ulloa will be leading the Hennepin County Attorney's Office.