Charlotte, Theodore top Minnesota hospital's most popular baby names

The list is out! With hours to go before the calendar turns to 2021, M Health Fairview released its list of the most popular baby names of 2020.

Of the 13,000 babies born at M Health Fairview hospitals this year, here are the 10 most popular girl names and boy names (spoiler alert: Olivia and Henry make an appearance).

Girl names:

  1. Charlotte
  2. Olivia
  3. Sophia
  4. Amelia
  5. Avery
  6. Evelyn
  7. Emma
  8. Lucy
  9. Ava
  10. Isla

Boy names:

  1. Theodore
  2. Henry
  3. William
  4. Oliver
  5. Owen
  6. Leo
  7. Benjamin
  8. James
  9. Elijah
  10. Logan (Tied)
  11. Noah (Tied)