Wells Fargo employees could return to in-person work in September, memo says

Wells Fargo workers, including those who work at the corporate offices downtown Minneapolis, are expected to return to a "more normal" work model after Labor Day, two company executives wrote in a memo to employees Tuesday.

According to the memo sent Tuesday from Wells Fargo’s CEO and COO, the company has started a plan to return to work in a format they call "more normal" but said they are still working to determine what that means.

In the memo, the executives said, "we believe most of us benefit by being physically together." They noted the pros and cons of the "flexibility" of remote work.

"We appreciate that flexibility is important and it has made some of you more productive. We also understand that the boundary between personal time and work time has been blurred – often to the detriment of our personal well-being. This is not a Wells Fargo-specific issue, but one we want to ensure does not continue," the letter says.

The employees of their corporate offices in downtown Minneapolis are included in this announcement, a company spokesperson confirmed.

Until September, the company will continue operations as they are now, with many employees working remotely.