MnDOT cuts I-94 speed limit to 50 mph from Hwy 55 to I-694

Starting Tuesday night, motorists will have to slow down on Interstate 94 west of Minneapolis. 

Speed limits are being reduced from 60 to 50 miles per hour between the Highway 55 and Interstate 694 exits, with State Patrol increasing their patrols along the corridor, according to a Minnesota Department of Transportation release. 

The speed limit change will last until construction ends in October.

“The 100 deadliest days on Minnesota roads are during the summer months," said Jay Hietpas, state traffic engineer. "Many times the distance between vehicles and where crews are working is a matter of feet."

The announcement comes on the heels of an incident in which a vehicle struck a DOT "crash truck," saving two nearby construction workers. Since the project began, 275 accidents have occurred in the area and 119 drivers have been cited for speeding, according to the release.