Minnesota couple gets engaged during surprise video chat with friends

This surprise Zoom birthday party for a Minnesota man ended in him proposing to his girlfriend. (Miranda Robinson/Facebook / Facebook)

A Minnesota couple believes it is the first to be engaged over Zoom video chat.

Miranda Robinson and Tim Hogan are now engaged to be married after he popped the question on a surprise video chat birthday party for Hogan. During the actual moment, the couple’s video chat froze, but their friends heard Hogan ask for Robinson’s hand in marriage.

Miranda Robinson and Tim Hogan were engaged on video chat with their friends while social distancing this weekend. (Miranda Robinson)

“It was absolutely perfect,” Robinson told FOX 9.

She said Hogan planned to propose at the Minnesota Wild game on St. Patrick’s Day that was cancelled.

“With restaurants closing and this COVID causing closings and cancellations, he didn’t know what to do. I set up this surprise Zoom party with our family and friends and he just did it,” she said.

“I know this wasn’t the original plan, but I wouldn’t have it any other way,” Robinson added.