Children's Minnesota brings fair fun to kids during hospital stay

A patient at Children's Minnesota gets a painting on her arm as a part of the hospital's State Fair on Wheels event. (Children's Minnesota)
MINNEAPOLIS (FOX 9) - Children’s Minnesota brought a taste of the Minnesota State Fair to kids to help make their hospital stays a bit brighter.
Sometimes, the best medicine doesn’t come from a bottle or a team of doctors. There are times, even at Children’s Minnesota, when a special treat or bag of popcorn cures many ills.
"Oh, we had such a special week in that our Child Life Team brought the State Fair to the kids within our St. Paul and Minneapolis hospitals," said Jennifer Soderholm, Children’s Minnesota Foundation president. "We call that State Fair on Wheels."
These children remind all us about life’s simple joys. Photos show their delight as they got to enjoy a bit fair fun while staying at the hospital for treatment.
"When I looked at these pictures, I couldn't help but have a grin from ear to ear," said Soderholm. "And I couldn't help but feel the magic that those kids must have felt as that State Fair on Wheels came to them."
It brings a bit of light during what can be a difficult time for kids at the hospital.
"I see a little boy who knows that he is a part of something special," said Soderholm of one photo. "And he is expressing to all of us, even behind his mask, that this moment feels good within many moments, that he is on a very special medical journey."
All of this was made possible by the Child Life Team at Children’s Minnesota, and the generous donations that people have made to the Children’s Minnesota Foundation.