Gov. Dayton and Speaker Daudt to meet about health insurance

FILE: Gov. Dayton

As the pressure builds to create a solution for rising health care costs in Minnesota, Governor Mark Dayton and House Speaker Kurt Daudt will meet to discuss the issue Tuesday morning. 

In recent days, talk has become more heated as the Republicans and Democrats argue over how to fix the increasing costs.

On Thursday, Dayton proposed a plan to give a 25 percent rebate for Minnesotans who purchase insurance on the individual market.

Sam Fettig, the press secretary for Governor Dayton, released the following statement.

“Tomorrow morning, Governor Mark Dayton will meet with House Speaker Kurt Daudt at the Governor’s Residence, to discuss the possibility of addressing rising health insurance premiums. Earlier today, Dayton Administration officials met with Senate Minority Leader David Hann. The Governor spoke last night with Senate Majority Leader Tom Bakk, who indicated he has been in communication with Speaker Daudt as well. Since announcing his proposal last Thursday, the Governor has also been in communication with House Minority Leader Paul Thissen.”