Businesses reopen for curbside pickup, delivery Monday amid COVID-19 pandemic

Tens of thousands of Minnesotans can go back to work Monday as curbside sales begin for businesses across the state.

Last week, Gov. Tim Walz announced more retail and other non-critical businesses would be allowed to reopen for curbside pickup and delivery. Those businesses have been closed for weeks due to the governor’s executive orders aimed at slowing the spread of COVID-19. 

Maintenance and repair shops can reopen along with pet groomers. Salons and spas may reopen, but only to sell products.

Walz estimated the business expansion should put about 30,000 Minnesotans back to work. 

But, many small business owners wonder just how many customers it will really bring in. 

Some Republicans at the Capitol think more businesses should be allowed to reopen and they want to be included in the decision-making process.

House Republican leaders say they will not pass a $2 billion bonding bill while the governor's emergency powers are in effect. Under those powers, Walz can make decisions without legislative approval.
Republicans say it is time for the legislative process to return to normal.

“Those decisions to protect Minnesotans that were needed at the time have been made and now we really want the governor to take a more deliberative and inclusive approach and include the legislature in how we move forward from here,” House Minority Leader Rep. Kurt Daudt said. 

Democrats say the bonding bill will fund construction projects throughout the state, creating jobs for thousands of Minnesotans and stimulating local economies. 

“I don’t really understand the concern about the governor using too much power,” House Majority Leader Ryan Winkler said. “It feels more like this is typical legislative games and we don’t really need that this year." 

Monday morning, Senate Republicans will hold a news conference at the Minnesota State Capitol, where they will be joined by small business owners, who say they have been hurt by the stay-at-home extension and they are ready to open safely.