Bartender robbed after being struck by car in Minneapolis

A young motorcyclist is recovering after a bad crash this month in Minneapolis.

While heading home from work on Aug. 15, a car suddenly pulled out in front of Evan Wise near the intersection of Lyndale Avenue South and 31st Street. He was unable to avoid the impact and ended up with multiple injuries, including a broken leg.

Wise works as a bartender in Northeast Minneapolis, but for the last two weeks he’s been out of work and off his feet.

"I blacked out, I barely remember the crash. I don’t remember anything for about 20 minutes," he said. "A guy cut me off from parked, with no indication that he was moving. I just tried to react, ended up throwing my brakes out and ran into his driver’s door."

The driver then sped off and was later pulled over. It turned out he should not have been driving in the first place. He was cited for driving with a revoked license and also has a previous conviction for driving under the influence.

Even while he went down, a camera on Wise’s helmet stayed up, capturing the entire thing.

"It’s weird to watch yourself in that situation," he said.

The crash also left the 28-year-old with a broken tibia, bruised pelvis, and a concussion.

But, Wise says it’s what happened after the crash that added insult to injury.

"Somewhere in the kerfuffle, someone grabs my wallet, took all of my cash out of it and gave it back or something," he said. "They didn’t touch my cards, but they did kind of rearrange things inside my wallet… it was about $400 in cash [taken]."

Still, Wise considers himself lucky, and he has plans to get back on the road soon.

"I’ve been a little angry through all of this, but mostly I’ve just been incredibly grateful it’s not worse," he said. "I could’ve been hurt a lot more."

Wise says he’s working to set up a follow-up appointment with a specialist to check on the severity of his concussion. He’s received an outpouring of support from friends and family at this GoFundMe page.

MinneapolisCrime and Public Safety